A Sauromatian Spellbook


Communion Master

Thaumaturgy 1, S1.
A mage casting this spell will offload fatigue to mages having previous cast Communion Slave.
The rate at which this is done is dependant on the number of slaves, the skill of both
the slaves and the master, as well as the difficulty of the spells cast.

Communion Slave

Thaumaturgy 1, S1.
A mage casting this spell will absorb some fatigue of a spell cast by a mage with Communion Master.

Dust to Dust

Thaumaturgy 1, D1.
Deals 22++ damage to all undead on a square.



Enchantment 4, S3, 1 Astral Pearl.
Increases Magic Resist of all friendly troops by +4.
Until you get Doom, a clammed Soothsayer should be casting this with Power of the Spheres.


Enchantment 4, D2, 10 Death Gems.
Enchants a non-undead death mage with temporary immortality.
When they die in friendly dominion, respawn at your cap as a
Wight Mage with the same paths and a 25% chance to gain 1 Death path.

When used on a D4 Witch King, the extra D path will get you to Tartarians natively.

Hordes of Skeletons

Enchantment 5, D2.
Along with Communion Slave/Master, one of Sauromatias nation-defining spells.
When cast will summon 6+ skeletons.

Foul Vapours

Enchantment 5, N3W1, 2 nature Gems.
A good spell which becomes more effective the longer the battle.
While most of Sauromatias mages do have some poison resist, Serpents Blessing is
recommended while casting the spell.


Enchantment 5, W4, 1 Water Gem.
Affects all units on the battlefield without swam survival.
Those affected suffer a malus of -1 atk, -1 def and +2 enc.
As increased encumbrance doesn't fatigue undead, communion slaves, and archers,
Sauromatia's large undead communions and massive amounts of archers are largely unaffected.


Enchantment 6, N5, 1 Nature Gem.
You will require a Witch King Sabbath Master in order to cast this.
This spell will heal 1 + DRN - DRN points of fatigue from every friendly unit every round.
This averages to about 2.67, offsetting the expected damage from Rigor Mortis by half.

Rigor Mortis

Enchantment 6, D4, 1 Death Gem.
Essentially, comms are better at long protracted battles as they have a larger supply of fatigue.
This is to say that they are best once the enemy mages hit 100 fatigue.
Rigor mortis can make this happen much faster, and combined with Relief you will far outlast the opponent.

Moreover, troops that are asleep due to fatigue tend to stay asleep, as the innate +5 reinvigoration gained at 100 fatigue is largely negated.

Life After Death

Enchantment 7, D4, 4 Death Gems.
Cast during battle, any commander that dies will reanimate as a Soulless commanders
With the paths they had during life. Units will also turn into soulless.



Alteration 4, N1, 1 Nature Gem.
Instant Chaff, the spell. Rather easy to get, and solves a lot of issues you might have when the chaff gets low.

Curse of Stones

Alteration 4, E3, 3 Earth Gems.
Magic Resistance Easily Negates means enemy troops must roll vs 8 to be unaffected.
Every unit that fails the save will earn d6 fatigue when attacking and d4 fatigue when moving.
Moreover affected units will move roughly half as many spaces every turn.

Soul Vortex

Alteration 6, D3.
A spell used by Vampire Lords and the fabled Witch King thugs.
A mage casting Soul Vortex will feed off the surrounding units to replenish its life energies.
For every point of damage caused by Soul Vortex, the casting mage will heal 1hp and 4 fatigue.
his can be used to have thugs stay fresh in the heat of battle, but also tactically, within the ranks of your own army, leaching fatigue from “mana batteries”.

Consider the following scenario:
You want your Witch King to soak in a pool of virgin blood, however to everyone’s dismay his throbbing manhood isn’t what it’s used to be.
Now you could use the aptly named reinvigorate spell to solve this, but he might tire out again before the battle is over.
What do you do? Surround him with fleshy human archers and watch him suck their life energy like the true flayer of men he is.
A single archer will give him 40 fatigue back


Alteration 6, D4, 4 Death Gems.
Battlefield enchantment. All troops without darkvision suffer a penalty of -6 to defence, attack and precision.
Demons, and more importantly undead, have 100% darkvision; so in particular, longdead do not incur this malus


Power of the Spheres

Conjuration 3, S1, 1 Astral Pearl.
This spell grants the mage, and any slaves they might master, +1 in all magic paths.
In an enari communion, PotS can give you a rather good communion with 4 slaves and 9 masters, spawning 90 skeletons every turn.

Light of the Northern Star

Conjuration 4, S3, 2 Astral Pearls.
Grant every astral mage on the battlefield one extra astral path.
This turns all your S1 soothsayers into S2 soothsayers capable of spamming stellar cascades.


Conjuration 5, N3, 3 Nature Gems.
This spell spawns 4-6 friendly wolves in one of the cardinal directions every turn.
Howl is castable by an N2 Warrior Sorceress with a Thistle Mace.
Generally worth its cost in gems, Howl is good at soaking up evocation spam
and surprising unguarded mages in the backrow.



Evocation 2, W2, 1 Water Gem.
Castable with any water random mage with a Water Bracelet, but more realistically by a water random Witch King in a Sabbath.
Finds most utility against fire nations which shread skeletons.
Not only does it quench fires, but its fatigue increasing effect on fire spells mix well with the nature of Sauromatias army.

Stellar Cascades

Evocation 5, S2.
The only reason to have Soothsayers helping your armies in any large number.
et 15-20 soothsayers and someone casting Light of the North Star and watch your opponent fall asleep before raging waves of skeletons.

Shadow Blast

Evocation 5, D2, 1 Death Gem.
A 6+ buckshot of 20+ AN MRN damage which paralyses those it touches.
Death random Witch Kings sporting spiffy Skull Staves can deal quite a bit of havoc in the first few turns of battle using this spell.

Storm of Thorns

Evocation 7, N2.
The only spell your N2 Warrior Sorceresses should be casting besides battlefield buffs.
Shoots 7++ thorn arrows dealing 15+ piercing damage (ignores 20% of prot) and entangling the victims.

Nether Darts

Evocation 7, S1D1.
Shoots out a dozen or so nether bolts that deal 15+ armour piercing MRN damage with AoE1 enfeeble mind.
Any Enari that you cannot place into the communion can shoot off this spell for good effect.


Curse of Blood

Blood 7, B3D4, 77 Blood Slaves.
Summons a Vampire Lord. Practically all of your blood economy should be going into this.

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