
Arcoscephale, Golden Era

Ermor, New Faith

Ulm, Enigma of Steel

Marverni, Time of Druids

T'ien Ch'i, Spring and Autumn

Machaka, Lion Kings

Mictlan, Reign of Blood

Abysia, Children of Flame

Caelum, Eagle Kings

C'tis, Lizard Kings

Pangaea, Age of Revelry

Agartha, Pale Ones

Tir na n'Og, Land of the Ever Young

Fomoria, The Cursed Ones

Vanheim, Age of the Vanir

Helheim, Dusk and Death

Niefelheim, Sons of Winter

Kailasa, Rise of the Ape Kings

Lanka, Land of Demons

Yomi, Oni Kings

Hinnom, Sons of the Fallen

Ur, the First City

Berytos, the Pheonix Empire

Atlantis, Emergence of the Deep Ones

R'lyeh, Time of Aboleths

Pelagia, Pearl Kings

Oceania, Coming of the Capricorns

Therodos, Telkhine Spectre

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