The purpose of scales builds is to have GREAT SCALES.
Generally any nation with a good gold to power ratio will enjoy scales.
Sauromatia, which constantly wants to build forts and recruit Soothsayers, is such a nation.
Scales builf capable of making Matrices, Swords of Many Colors, and Rings.
The Earth 3 gives access to Troll Kings and Astral 6 opens up many endgame options.
The purpose of SCALES BULL is to have LOTS OF SCALES.
Mostly for fun because you'll get fucked late-game.
W6E6 is a decent bless that will get you through the early game with Oiorpata,
help you thug Warrior Sorceresses, and it can also cast Vengeful Waters later on.
Need that L3 for Kirke.
This pretender doesn't require much thinking.
N9 give easy early expansion and can stay relevant later on with spells like Mother Oak, Enchanted Forests, and Gift of Reason.
But it's mostly a cozy early game bless.